I think those words about sum out the total of this book. Every time we begin to see light, another set back occurs. There have been many drafts, scenes, and chapters written so far, each striving to make this book as good as we can make it. But each time, there has been something holding it back. We are getting closer and closer to what we feel is the main the plot. The rewrites are getting less and moving more into minor changes. Still every roadblock is discouraging, but we press on.
Persistence and Perseverance also sum up the Christian life as well when you think about it. We strive toward Christ, pressing on with all of our might, but setbacks come. Maybe it’s things not working out as planned or something we thought should happen that didn’t. We know the end and the beginning, but it’s those pesky parts in the middle that catch us off guard and discourage us. Sometimes we catch a glimmer of light only to have doubts crowd in once more. It’s hard to hold on and persevere when this happens, but let me encourage you to do just that. Persist in the faith, hold on to Christ, and press on through the trials. Eventually they will give way to a crown of glory, one that will be worth it all in the end.